

Your bed is a sophisticated piece of medical equipment and part of your treatment. 它会定期调整你身体上的压力. 当它适应你的身体时,你可能会听到它.
The bed also can be positioned for your comfort, as well as to assist our staff in caring for you. The bed controls are located on the side rails, and the nursing staff will show you how they work.

餐 and snacks may be ordered from the Room Service menu located in your room. There are certain medical conditions or diagnostic tests that will limit what you may eat or drink. 如果你的饮食受到限制,护理人员会通知你的.


你的护理是由专业人员提供的, highly skilled individuals delivering treatment under the guidance of your physician. 你可以按呼叫按钮叫你的护士.


Please keep in your room only a few personal items you may need during your stay, 比如洗漱用品, 睡衣, 拖鞋, 长袍和阅读材料.

Eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids and dentures are easy to misplace. When not in use, they should be placed in protective containers and secured.

Please do not keep jewelry, large amounts of cash or any other valuables in your room. If this is not possible, they may be deposited in the hospital safe to be reclaimed upon discharge.
医院不负责个人物品的丢失或破损, 或者丢失房间里的金钱或贵重物品.


你的手机放在床上或床头柜上, and you may receive phone calls unless restricted at your request or your physician’s orders.

Family and friends may phone you by dialing ca88会员登录入口’s main phone number – (419) 294-4991 – and entering 2 + your room number when prompted by the message of the automated attendant. 医院的接待员也可能把电话接到你的房间.

To make a local call, 拨9接通外线 + area code + phone number.
打长途电话, 拨9接通外线, 0表示运算符, 然后是区号(如果不是419). 当接线员要求时,提供帐单信息(信用卡), 收单或打到另一个号码).


Wyandot Memorial is pleased to offer guest wireless internet access for our patients and their visitors. This service is on an as-available basis and our resources do not allow for hospital IT staff to troubleshoot if your device cannot connect to the wireless system. 按照以下步骤连接互联网:

Go into your computer’s wireless connection menu and click on the GUEST ACCESS option
下一个, go to Internet Explorer and you will see an Aruba Screen – type in your email address and then click LOG IN. 你现在可以上网了.


Each room is equipped with a television, which is operated from the controls on your bed side-rail. Please enjoy the channels provided, but respect other patients’ needs for rest and quiet. 在这本书的背面可以找到一个频道阵容.


为了保护病人的健康和安全, 客人和工作人员, ca88会员登录入口是无烟的. Smoking or the use of other tobacco products is prohibited anywhere on the WMH campus, 包括建筑物内部, 在建筑物外和停车场.

Assistance is available for patients who smoke to help them through their hospitalization without smoking. If you would like assistance, please ask your nurse at any time during your stay.


Wyandot Memorial will make every effort to accommodate your individual needs if you have a disability or impairment.